Miracle Money Messages

The second eBook
is out now

Imagine you have a conversation with me…

We are sitting together for a cup of coffee or tea or matcha latte and chatting about the world, your business and life.
I tell you stories about life and share with you some comic nuggets of wisdom I learned over the years.
Imagine you ask questions, and you get always an impulse from me about it.
Let me take you into my world and accompanying you through the year and always be by your side with just the right words.

A simple, enchanting and magical guide to help you be in tune with the universe all year long.

“I love the messages”

Kathrin, so eloquently stated and so beautifully expressed. I whole-heartedly agree.


``Your messages make me believe.``

“There is so much power in your messages and am so happy to be in the Miss Smarthead World which always pumps me up in a field of love & believe.”


Curious what the book is about?


This wonderful digital book is made up of concentrated sparkling universe power,
filled to the brim with my favorite messages that you can download, print and take with you wherever you go.
A real companion for you!



52 messages

directly from me to you with life-changing, powerful tips and ideas on how to create a business and life you love.

52 Affirmations

That will help you change hindering beliefs to manifest your dream life.

Have you read the first eBook?

In 2020 the first Miss Smarthead ebook was released:


Now the first eBook is available in a new design.

You get 52 loving and powerful messages in German
about mindset, money and spirituality
that can accompany you throughout the year.

Each message comes with a magical affirmation.

Get my favorite 52 German messages!

Fun Fact:

Your dreams are not too big, but too small…

That’s probably why you’re not yet where you want to be.

So how much more can you expand your mindset?

How much bigger can you dream?

How much greater can you set your goals?

Expanding my mindset is on my daily to-do list.

Hi, i’m Kathrin (Aka Miss Smarthead)

People always ask me the secret to becoming a millionaire…

But here’s the truth—money should never be your core focus as it only leads to emptiness. Money is what follows when you are true to yourself…

I began to follow my joy. Following intuition after intuition.
And money is always the by-product of my journey.

Ready to get started? Get the eBook, and let’s go!

Get the book

Kathrin’s Cosmic Wisdom

By Miss Smarthead