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  • Zeit für eine neue Ära!
  • Werde eine Unternehmerin, die „unhurried“, „unbothered“, „unlimited“ weit über den Durchschnitt hinaus wächst.
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“If you want to take the island, then burn your boats.”

Posted on Aug 25th, 2023

“If you want to take the island, then burn your boats. With absolute commitment come the insights that create real victory.” Tony Robbins

To take really big steps, you have to go all-in. If you always keep backdoors open or have a plan B ready you will always go slower, more cautiously and with less commitment, taking 1 step forward and 5 steps back.

Maybe you know this? You dream of your big vision? You want to rock your business with a topic that makes your heart beat faster? In your secret dream you are a millionaire, but at the same time you say that 10.000 EUR per month would feel like your first sensational step?

I used to dream about it too and honestly, my head couldn’t really imagine it. It felt like so much money. And I always thought, if it really was this easy with the universe and manifesting, then why doesn’t everyone earn 10,000 EUR? There must be something wrong.

Today I know! Earning 10,000 EUR is actually child’s play, much easier than making yourself small and earning little. BUT: you have to burn down the ships. You have to be willing to REALLY go for your dream. Not this “try it out a bit”, “see if it works” (and if not, it’s the coach’s fault anyway and you knew it beforehand). ALL-IN!

Where do you still keep the backdoor, the security, the plan B? In doing so, you energetically bet against your success constantly. With that the universe sends you ups and downs all the time or success on a itty-bitty low flame. Because you’re not committed.

Do you see yourself in this?

I’ve been there. I’ve done that. When I started my coaching business, I did it as a side hustle. I never really wanted to let go of my salaried, “safe” job and “comfortable” fixed income. I also didn’t really want to invest a lot of money in myself and my business because I wanted to see how it went first.

At that time, I was not aware that I was energetically slowing myself and my success down all the time. And that was also the result. I have had a customer here and there for 2,000 to 3,500 EUR, but far too few.

The month I took the 100% decision, I was ready to leave all (supposed) securities behind, quit my job, invested, used my savings plus borrowed money, really accepted help, I had my first 10,000 EUR month and since then it kept growing every month.

Because I was willing to go all-in. No more betting against me and my success, no more doubting, just moving forward.

When do you dare greatly and go ALL IN?