We’re so grateful for Kathrin, her leadership, her consciousness, and her commitment. She’s a big thinker and she inspires us to expand our thinking. People who work with her are blessed to be able to work with someone who gets it — giving is a big part of receiving — and I truly believe she’s received so much because she’s such a big giver.”

$600,000+ Miss Smarthead donations to the Unstoppable Foundation

“They have so little and we have so much,” I whispered through tears…
The emotions swept over me when I met a Kenyan lady in her home who told me how her life had been changed by the Unstoppable Foundation.
I thought I’d never buy another Chanel handbag and should give all my money to Africa.
But the charity’s founder, Cynthia Kersey, put her hand on my shoulder and asked me this —
“How are you able to be here today Kathrin?”
I took a sniff, and a minute to reflect. And I realised something important.
I was there because I’d given permission for myself first, to dream big, ask for more, and create abundance.
First we have to allow and create it for ourselves — only then can we give it to others.

Press Play

Miss Smarthead has a dream…
We dream of a future where children never forget how great they are…
A future where children dream BIG and never play small because they’re not raised with limitations and paradigms

In the last 5+ years Miss Smarthead has given:
- $600,000+ to an organization that transforms the life of young people in Kenya (Unstoppable Foundation)
- 1,600+ Christmas gifts to children of my hometown in Germany
Every time you buy a Miss Smarthead course or program, you are giving too. Thank you.

We showed more than 1,600 children that wishes really do come true
Children in my village mailed their wishes in a magical red post box… and then we played Santa!
We gave each child what they asked for to help them believe anything is possible.
(Newfound respect for the big man himself, present-giving for a village was a month-long full-time job for my team… how does he do the world in a night?!)

The magical work of the Unstoppable Foundation
Imagine if children were taught the power of the mind and personal development at school… how different the world would be.
That’s exactly what the Unstoppable Foundation does in Kenya. It teaches children, and their parents, the big mindset stuff that brings real change. Change from the inside.
Because money without mindset is lost money.
The charity’s unique 5-pillar approach also transforms education, water cleanliness, nutrition, healthcare, and skills training to make change sustainable — it’s not just a quick fix or “put a plaster on it” approach.
It’s a unicorn of a charity.

The story so far
We’ve sprinkled magic into the lives of 842+ children…
Here’s what our $600,000+ has funded within the Unstoppable Foundation:
- The Leadership Academy where 87 students and 145 community members learned the skills and mindset shifts to transform their lives
- School of Tourism class of 2022 — enabling 17 students to graduate and get jobs in various roles including Kenya’s top tourism hotels and safari parks
- The transformation of 4 villages — where education, clean water, food, healthcare, and income training were delivered over a five-year period

“These donations have transformed the lives of hundreds of people...

Ready to sprinkle a little bit of magic in the world?
The Miss Smarthead community has donated $700,000+ to the Unstoppable Foundation, so far. Will you help us go bigger?